Two inventive healthcare products will be launch soon. Details will be available after product launch, and we welcome enquiries on collaboration.
IPAMM© - Inventive Product Advertising & Marketing Media (patent pending), is a
new revolutionary advertising media which links inventions, inventors and advertiser
to form a remarkable marketing and advertising synergy.
IPAMM© is invented to assist inventors and provide advertisers with a fabulous business
solution in marketing and advertising. It is a win-win-win solution for inventors,
advertisers and consumers.
We did a market survey with the public using the question: “Can you name or recall 8
advertising commercials which you seen or heard yesterday?”
The result of the survey is astonishing, as the majority of those interviewed cannot recall
the commercials. More than 70% of the people surveyed cannot remember any of the commercials
that they were exposed to, whereas the rest can only remember up to 3 of the commercials.
Why? This is due to our current busy lifestyle and over-exposure to competitive commercial
where the consumers have very little memory space for the particular advertiser’s brand or
products and services.
Hence, IPAMM© is invented to enhance the efficiency of the advertiser’s commercial and thus
improve their return on investment.
Basic properties of Advertising - To let as many people as possible know about
a brand, a product or communicating the intended message, preferable as many
times as possible.
There may be no restriction or necessary relations between the advertiser’s
product and the advertising media, for example, the advertiser is a car retailer
and the media is newspaper, TV or radio. Both parties (the advertiser and
media) have no direct relation in their respective industries, except the
advertising factor or link between both parties.
Properties of patent products:
1. Novelty.
2. New in market.
3. Lower probability of competition.
IPAMM© uses patent product as a form of advertising media, where the properties of
patent products can be advantageous for marketing and advertising.
By using IPAMM© the advertiser can benefit from the following results:
1. Increase in alternative market segment
2. Benefit the advertiser’s customers
3. Directly measurable advertising ROI
4. Higher advertising recalling and recognition rates
5. Enhanced advertising efficiency
6. Longer advertising life span without additional cost
7. Advertising is closer and more comfortable to the customers, which increase the
customers’ remembrance of the advertiser’s branding or product and services.
8. Increase advertiser’s sales, profit and market share
9. Enhance corporate image
10. Lower or zero resultant cost in advertising investment.
NXVO International welcomes inventors and advertisers’ enquiries for detailed information:
1. Inventor:
2. Advertiser:
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- ATMD Bird & Bird
- Tan Heng Lee Pte Ltd